- id: '1623153060369' alias: Licht bei Sonnenuntergang einschalten description: '' trigger: - platform: sun event: sunset offset: '-1:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - service: script.moodlight_orange_plasma data: {} mode: single - id: '1623224198352' alias: TV Anti-Reflexion description: Schaltet Wohnzimmer hinten Ambient Light aus, um Reflexionen im TV zu verhindern. trigger: - platform: state entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv from: 'off' to: 'on' condition: [] action: - service: light.turn_off target: device_id: 6dcbd87b459412144bddc42af3ae8b83 data: transition: 2 mode: single - id: '1623350724195' alias: Zonenbenachrichtigung description: 'Debug: Präsenzerkennung' use_blueprint: path: homeassistant/notify_leaving_zone.yaml input: person_entity: person.marcus_scholz zone_entity: zone.home notify_device: 6adad2de67b26c864cfcb1a91bd12e48 - id: '1623526683767' alias: Licht bei Sonnenaufgang ausschalten description: '' trigger: - platform: sun event: sunrise offset: '+1:00' condition: [] action: - service: light.turn_off target: area_id: - schlafzimmer device_id: - 53a27edf581fcf40f3bc8b253b1ee369 - 4e8211f6c1ad515c79d7a26f3d7c9a27 - c64e7c3dcda7f1c23e456959f2c60f39 - 4edd9b9df7d1f6f2fe7dcc2e5c0eb968 - 6dcbd87b459412144bddc42af3ae8b83 - 98a9eef603f8c8ae6200c4834a3dbf4f - 32d15eec63fe68d5770813d47da53657 - 9f42805af5b7e423023595390342b9ac - 063e41329df7b29bbaa8df2f508ee6cb data: transition: 2 mode: single - id: '1623673821789' alias: Gute Nacht! description: Schalte alles (außer Schlafzimmer) aus, sobald das Schlaftracking startet. trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android to: sleep_tracking_started condition: [] action: - service: light.turn_off target: area_id: - wohnzimmer - kuche - schlafzimmer - kinderzimmer data: {} - type: turn_off device_id: 6d1be741876624a70ab5b01b54c6fd6f entity_id: switch.kuche_musik domain: switch - service: notify.mobile_app_le2123 data: message: Gute Nacht! - service: media_player.play_media target: entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe data: media_content_id: media-source://tts/tts.piper?message=Gute+Nacht%2C+schlaf+gut. media_content_type: provider metadata: title: Gute Nacht, schlaf gut. thumbnail: https://brands.home-assistant.io/_/tts/logo.png media_class: app children_media_class: navigateIds: - {} - media_content_type: app media_content_id: media-source://tts - media_content_type: provider media_content_id: media-source://tts/tts.piper?message=Gute+Nacht%2C+schlaf+gut. - type: turn_off device_id: c4ead7f6227e2ee4c43c4b0df829cd84 entity_id: 7f7284b11f2bf50ae2f0ebeeb35411c0 domain: switch - service: media_player.turn_off target: area_id: - wohnzimmer data: {} mode: single - id: '1623868115464' alias: 420! description: '' trigger: - platform: time at: '16:20' condition: [] action: - service: notify.mobile_app_le2123 data: title: 420! message: Lodere es, Lustknabe. - service: tts.speak data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: 4 20 lodere es, Lustknabe target: entity_id: tts.piper - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: awtrix_b8658c/notify payload: '{"text": "420, lodere es, Lustknabe!"}' mode: single - id: '1623911524804' alias: TV Anti-Reflexion (undo) description: Schaltet Wohnzimmer hinten Ambient Light wieder ein, wenn vorne auch (noch) eingeschaltet ist. trigger: - platform: state entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv to: 'off' from: 'on' condition: - condition: device type: is_on device_id: 4edd9b9df7d1f6f2fe7dcc2e5c0eb968 entity_id: light.wohnzimmer_vorne domain: light action: - service: light.turn_on data: transition: 2 target: device_id: 6dcbd87b459412144bddc42af3ae8b83 mode: single - id: '1623941937228' alias: Licht im Schlafzimmer zur Schlafenszeit einschalten description: Bei Beginn der empfohlenen Schlafenszeit. trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android to: time_to_bed_alarm_alert for: 00:05:00 condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - service: light.turn_on target: device_id: 68868390eda35e969ec60a13020f2407 data: {} - service: tts.speak data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: Ab ins Bett, Schlafenszeit. target: entity_id: tts.piper mode: single - id: '1623954512941' alias: Licht im Schlafzimmer zum Aufwachen einschalten description: Nach der Alarmquittierung trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android to: alarm_alert_start condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 30 milliseconds: 0 - service: light.turn_on target: device_id: 68868390eda35e969ec60a13020f2407 data: {} mode: single - id: '1624820688449' alias: 'Anruf: Beim Klingeln grün blinken' description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.fritz_box_7490_call_monitor_dem_commander1024_seine_cloud to: ringing - platform: state entity_id: sensor.le2123_phone_state to: ringing - platform: state to: ringing entity_id: sensor.moto_g_100_phone_state condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - service: light.turn_on data: rgb_color: - 9 - 255 - 0 target: entity_id: - light.awtrix_desk_indicator_1 - light.awtrix_kitchen_indicator_1 - service: scene.create data: scene_id: wled_last_state snapshot_entities: - light.kuche - light.wohnzimmer_hinten - light.wohnzimmer_vorne - select.kuche_color_palette - select.wohnzimmer_vorne_color_palette - select.wohnzimmer_hinten_color_palette - service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: scene.grun_blinken data: {} - delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 5 milliseconds: 0 - service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: scene.wled_last_state data: {} - delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 15 milliseconds: 0 - service: light.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: - light.awtrix_desk_indicator_1 - light.awtrix_kitchen_indicator_1 mode: single - id: '1625481640348' alias: 'Anruf: Beim Telefonieren Musik pausieren' description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.fritz_box_7490_call_monitor_telefonbuch to: talking - platform: state entity_id: sensor.le2123_phone_state to: talking - platform: state entity_id: sensor.moto_g_100_phone_state to: talking condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - service: scene.create data: scene_id: media_last_state snapshot_entities: - media_player.wohnzimmer_main - media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv - media_player.ccze - media_player.spotify_marcus_scholz - media_player.xboxonex - service: media_player.media_pause target: area_id: - schlafzimmer - wohnzimmer - wait_for_trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor.j9110_phone_state to: idle from: talking - platform: state entity_id: sensor.fritz_box_7490_call_monitor_telefonbuch to: idle from: talking - service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: - scene.media_last_state mode: single - id: '1628972104416' alias: Raumduft nach einer Stunde wieder ausschalten description: '' trigger: - platform: device type: turned_on device_id: 5a08ac4c3b3893b540a9934fa92dccfa entity_id: switch.flur_raumduft domain: switch for: hours: 1 minutes: 0 seconds: 0 milliseconds: 0 condition: [] action: - type: turn_off device_id: 5a08ac4c3b3893b540a9934fa92dccfa entity_id: switch.flur_raumduft domain: switch mode: single - id: '1628972885682' alias: Raumduft zum Aufstehen einschalten description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android to: sleep_tracking_stopped condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - type: turn_on device_id: 5a08ac4c3b3893b540a9934fa92dccfa entity_id: switch.flur_raumduft domain: switch - service: light.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: - light.awtrix_desk_matrix - light.awtrix_kitchen_matrix mode: single - id: '1630914505161' alias: Beim Verlassen der Wohnung alles abschalten description: '' trigger: - platform: zone entity_id: person.marcus_scholz zone: zone.home event: leave condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marianna_scholz state: not_home enabled: false action: - target: area_id: - wohnzimmer - schlafzimmer - kuche - kinderzimmer data: {} action: light.turn_off - type: turn_off device_id: 6d1be741876624a70ab5b01b54c6fd6f entity_id: switch.kuche_musik domain: switch - type: turn_off device_id: 5a08ac4c3b3893b540a9934fa92dccfa entity_id: switch.flur_raumduft domain: switch - type: turn_off device_id: c4ead7f6227e2ee4c43c4b0df829cd84 entity_id: 7f7284b11f2bf50ae2f0ebeeb35411c0 domain: switch enabled: false - target: area_id: - schlafzimmer - wohnzimmer data: {} action: media_player.turn_off mode: single - id: '1632477389492' alias: Licht beim Heimkommen einschalten description: Nur während Dunkelphase trigger: - platform: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz to: home from: not_home condition: - condition: or conditions: - condition: sun before: sunrise before_offset: '+1' - condition: sun after_offset: '-1' after: sunset enabled: false - condition: sun before: sunrise before_offset: '+1' after: sunset after_offset: '-1' action: - service: script.moodlight_orange_plasma data: {} - service: light.turn_on target: device_id: - 32d15eec63fe68d5770813d47da53657 - 53a27edf581fcf40f3bc8b253b1ee369 data: {} mode: single - id: '1648485179021' alias: Schalte den Fernseher mit WoL ein trigger: - platform: webostv.turn_on entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv action: - service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet data: mac: a8:23:fe:5d:4c:f8 - id: '1675778284738' alias: Stündliche Zeitansage description: '' trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: '0' seconds: '0' hours: '*' condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android state: sleep_tracking_stopped - condition: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android state: alarm_alert_dismiss action: - service: tts.speak data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: '{{message}} ' target: entity_id: tts.piper enabled: true - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: awtrix_desk/notify payload: '{"text": "{{message}}", "icon": "clockcolor", "duration": 16}' - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: awtrix_kitchen/notify payload: '{"text": "{{message}}", "icon": "clockcolor", "duration": 16}' variables: message: '{% set t = now().hour %} {% set m = ''Morgen'' if t < 12 else ''Nachmittag'' if t < 18 else ''Abend'' %} Guten {{m}} Marcus. Draußen sind es {{states(''sensor.aussentemperatur'')}} Grad Celsius und es ist {{now().hour}} Uhr. ' mode: single - id: '1683370485273' alias: TTS Benachrichtigung an ein Smartphone senden trigger: [] condition: [] action: - service: notify.mobile_app_le2123 data: message: TTS data: tts_text: Dies ist ein Beispiel für eine Text-zu-Sprache Benachrichtigung auf dem Handy. mode: single - id: '1683371750405' alias: Fenster schließen, wenn es warm wird description: Tagsüber im Sommer, wenn die Außentemperatur sich der Innentemperatur annähert. trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: - sensor.aussentemperatur above: sensor.wohnungstemperatur for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home - condition: state entity_id: sensor.season state: summer - condition: sun after: sunrise before: sunset action: - service: notify.mobile_app_le2123 data: title: Schlaues lüften message: '{{message}} ' enabled: true - service: tts.speak data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: '{{message}} ' target: entity_id: tts.piper variables: message: 'Die Außentemperatur ist mit {{states(''sensor.aussentemperatur'')}} ° Celsius {{((states(''sensor.aussentemperatur'')|float)-(states(''sensor.wohnungstemperatur'')|float)) | round(1)}} Grad höher als die Wohnungstemperatur. Mach die Fenster zu und gegebenenfalls die Rolladen runter. ' mode: single - id: '1686327239749' alias: Fenster öffnen wenn es kühler wird description: Im Sommer, wenn die Außentemperatur sich der Innentemperatur annähert. trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: - sensor.aussentemperatur for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 below: sensor.wohnungstemperatur condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android state: sleep_tracking_stopped - condition: state entity_id: input_text.sleep_as_android state: alarm_alert_dismiss - condition: state entity_id: sensor.season state: summer action: - service: notify.mobile_app_le2123 data: title: Schlaues lüften message: '{{message}} ' enabled: true - service: tts.speak data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: '{{message}} ' target: entity_id: tts.piper mode: single variables: message: 'Die Außentemperatur ist mit {{states(''sensor.aussentemperatur'')}} ° Celsius {{((states(''sensor.wohnungstemperatur'')|float)-(states(''sensor.aussentemperatur'')|float))|round(1)}} Grad niedriger als die Wohnungstemperatur. Lass die Frischluft herein! ' - id: '1698873510271' alias: 'Awtrix: Laufender Spotify Song' description: Küche use_blueprint: path: spotify-song-notification/GKXydoDmOpjL.yaml input: awtrix_light: a6d24e7d93c114723bf525e9eac1c2df media_player: media_player.spotify_marcus_scholz icon_in: spotify - id: '1698873776237' alias: 'Awtrix: zufälliger Effekt' description: Küche use_blueprint: path: AWTRIX/awtrix_random_effect.yaml input: awtrix_light: a6d24e7d93c114723bf525e9eac1c2df effect_list: - MovingLine - Plasma - Matrix - SwirlIn - ColorWaves - TwinklingStars - Ripple - PingPong - Checkerboard - PlasmaCloud - Pacifica - LookingEyes - SwirlOut - TheaterChase - Snake - Fireworks - BrickBreaker - Radar - id: '1698948541073' alias: 'Awtrix: Kalenderbenachrichtigung' description: '' use_blueprint: path: Brunas/awtrix_calendar_notifier.yaml input: awtrix: - a6d24e7d93c114723bf525e9eac1c2df - 231cd7ec37e32690faf126105b03ee02 calendar: calendar.privat push_icon: '2' - id: '1698949221372' alias: 'Awtrix: Solarenergie Monitor' description: '' use_blueprint: path: AWTRIX/solar_production.yaml input: awtrix: - a6d24e7d93c114723bf525e9eac1c2df - 231cd7ec37e32690faf126105b03ee02 power_source: sensor.balkonkraftwerk_power skip_if_zero_watts: true - id: '1698954553138' alias: 'Awtrix: Jahresfortschirtt' description: Jahresfortschritt in % trigger: - platform: time_pattern hours: '*' minutes: 0 condition: [] action: - service: mqtt.publish data: payload: '{# Get current timestamp #} {%- set now = now() -%} {# Start of current year #} {%- set startOfYear = now.replace(year=now.year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) -%} {# Determine end of current year #} {%- set endOfYear = startOfYear.replace(month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=999999) -%} {# Calculate progress #} {%- set total = as_timestamp(endOfYear) - as_timestamp(startOfYear) -%} {%- set current = as_timestamp(now) - as_timestamp(startOfYear) -%} {%- set progress = ( current / total * 100 ) | round(0, "floor", 0) -%} {# Output #} { "text": "{{ progress }} %", "icon": "y2023"}' topic: awtrix_b8658c/custom/yearprogress qos: 0 retain: false mode: single - id: '1699955800413' alias: 'Awtrix: Laufender Spotify Song' description: Desk use_blueprint: path: spotify-song-notification/GKXydoDmOpjL.yaml input: awtrix_light: 231cd7ec37e32690faf126105b03ee02 media_player: media_player.spotify_marcus_scholz icon_in: spotify - id: '1699956514259' alias: 'Awtrix: zufälliger Effekt' description: Desk use_blueprint: path: AWTRIX/awtrix_random_effect.yaml input: awtrix_light: 231cd7ec37e32690faf126105b03ee02 effect_list: - MovingLine - Plasma - Matrix - SwirlIn - ColorWaves - TwinklingStars - Ripple - PingPong - Checkerboard - PlasmaCloud - Pacifica - LookingEyes - SwirlOut - TheaterChase - Snake - Fireworks - BrickBreaker - Radar - id: '1699969052661' alias: 'Awtrix: Matrix einschalten' description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz to: home from: not_home condition: [] action: - service: light.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: - light.awtrix_desk_matrix - light.awtrix_kitchen_matrix mode: single - id: '1700482951854' alias: Licht bei Sonnenuntergang einschalten (XMas) description: '' trigger: - platform: sun event: sunset offset: '-1:00' condition: - condition: state entity_id: person.marcus_scholz state: home action: - data: {} action: script.moodlight_xmas - type: turn_on device_id: c4ead7f6227e2ee4c43c4b0df829cd84 entity_id: 7f7284b11f2bf50ae2f0ebeeb35411c0 domain: switch mode: single - id: '1700483035319' alias: Licht bei Sonnenaufgang ausschalten (XMas) description: '' trigger: - platform: sun event: sunrise offset: '+1:00' condition: [] action: - target: area_id: - schlafzimmer device_id: - 53a27edf581fcf40f3bc8b253b1ee369 - 4e8211f6c1ad515c79d7a26f3d7c9a27 - c64e7c3dcda7f1c23e456959f2c60f39 - 4edd9b9df7d1f6f2fe7dcc2e5c0eb968 - 6dcbd87b459412144bddc42af3ae8b83 - 98a9eef603f8c8ae6200c4834a3dbf4f - 32d15eec63fe68d5770813d47da53657 - 9f42805af5b7e423023595390342b9ac - 063e41329df7b29bbaa8df2f508ee6cb data: transition: 2 action: light.turn_off - type: turn_off device_id: c4ead7f6227e2ee4c43c4b0df829cd84 entity_id: 7f7284b11f2bf50ae2f0ebeeb35411c0 domain: switch enabled: true mode: single - id: '1701774106609' alias: IKEA STYRBAR Wohnzimmer description: '' use_blueprint: path: EPMatt/ikea_e2001_e2002.yaml input: integration: ZHA controller_device: f3b032ad1f3ccc658a7d4588cc0e5c0c helper_last_controller_event: input_text.styrbar_wohnzimmer_moodlight_letztes_event action_button_up_short: - service: light.turn_on data: {} target: device_id: - 4edd9b9df7d1f6f2fe7dcc2e5c0eb968 - 6dcbd87b459412144bddc42af3ae8b83 action_button_down_short: - service: light.turn_off data: {} target: device_id: - 6dcbd87b459412144bddc42af3ae8b83 - 4edd9b9df7d1f6f2fe7dcc2e5c0eb968 action_button_left_short: - service: script.wled_random_effect data: {} action_button_right_short: - service: script.wled_random_palette data: {} action_button_up_long: - service: light.turn_on metadata: {} data: brightness_pct: 10 target: entity_id: light.wohnzimmer_moodlight action_button_down_long: [] action_button_down_double: - service: light.turn_off target: device_id: 9f42805af5b7e423023595390342b9ac data: {} action_button_up_double: - service: light.turn_on metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: 9f42805af5b7e423023595390342b9ac button_up_double_press: true button_down_double_press: true - id: '1702588441751' alias: 'Awtrix: Kalenderbenachrichtigung TKRZ' description: '' use_blueprint: path: Brunas/awtrix_calendar_notifier.yaml input: awtrix: - a6d24e7d93c114723bf525e9eac1c2df - 231cd7ec37e32690faf126105b03ee02 calendar: calendar.tkrz_kalender push_icon: '2' app_name: calendar_notifier_tkrz - id: '1705009017027' alias: IKEA Somrig Schlafzimmer description: Deckenlicht, Bett und Heimkino use_blueprint: path: cecche/ikea-somrig-remote-e2213-zha.yaml input: remote: bd97db2ae9b0104d50dc6a343315608b double_dot_single_press: - service: light.turn_off target: device_id: - 68868390eda35e969ec60a13020f2407 data: {} double_dot_double_press: - service: light.turn_off metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: 3c86ddd39979139f29645308815c0271 single_dot_single_press: - service: light.turn_on metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: 68868390eda35e969ec60a13020f2407 single_dot_double_press: - service: light.turn_on metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: 3c86ddd39979139f29645308815c0271 double_dot_long_press: - service: switch.turn_off metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: b7c1c80b21406c5608e38aa0c7e7e439 single_dot_long_press: - service: switch.turn_on metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: b7c1c80b21406c5608e38aa0c7e7e439 - id: '1705488817426' alias: Let's Encrypt description: Zertifikat prüfen und verlängern via Addon trigger: - platform: time at: 04:00:00 condition: [] action: - service: hassio.addon_start metadata: {} data: addon: core_letsencrypt mode: single - id: '1705787842132' alias: 'Luftbefeuchter: Zielwert' description: Leicht oberhalb des Wohnungsdurchschnitts trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: /10 condition: [] action: - service: humidifier.set_humidity metadata: {} data: humidity: '{{ int(states(''sensor.wohnungsluftfeuchtigkeit'')) + 20 }}' target: entity_id: humidifier.badezimmer mode: single - id: '1708188056710' alias: IKEA STYRBAR - Moodlight Wohnzimmer description: IKEA STYRBAR - Moodlight Wohnzimmer use_blueprint: path: niro1987/zha_ikea_tradfri_styrbar_color.yaml input: remote: f3b032ad1f3ccc658a7d4588cc0e5c0c light: light.wohnzimmer_moodlight - id: '1708266692742' alias: IKEA E1743 TRÅDFRI On/Off Switch & Dimmer description: Wohnzimmer Leseecke use_blueprint: path: EPMatt/ikea_e1743.yaml input: integration: ZHA controller_device: 5e9fbed0eafa1b1a54fa36195299dc6b helper_last_controller_event: input_text.ikea_on_off_schalter_und_dimmer_wohnzimmer action_button_up_short: - type: turn_on device_id: b45eb0f02b3bd91b097a4d2f225c3244 entity_id: 8b66b0d3cd86ec0f5a48fc110f8e45e8 domain: switch action_button_down_short: - type: turn_off device_id: b45eb0f02b3bd91b097a4d2f225c3244 entity_id: 8b66b0d3cd86ec0f5a48fc110f8e45e8 domain: switch action_button_up_double: - type: turn_on device_id: 32d15eec63fe68d5770813d47da53657 entity_id: 14edfa97dae4936040b97dc77b171d5f domain: light button_up_double_press: true button_down_double_press: true action_button_down_double: - type: turn_off device_id: 32d15eec63fe68d5770813d47da53657 entity_id: 14edfa97dae4936040b97dc77b171d5f domain: light action_button_up_long: - type: turn_on device_id: 98a9eef603f8c8ae6200c4834a3dbf4f entity_id: fdcff3852ecc17099c953da17eb4b8a3 domain: light action_button_down_long: - type: turn_off device_id: 98a9eef603f8c8ae6200c4834a3dbf4f entity_id: fdcff3852ecc17099c953da17eb4b8a3 domain: light - id: '1727953214758' alias: Waschmaschine läuft description: Prüfen ob die Waschmaschine läuft, dann den boolschen Schalter "Waschmaschine aktiv" einschalten triggers: - type: power device_id: 372d8814188a8a04a5314afe14eca2bb entity_id: 5a6759f504b6058f710ce64888f27153 domain: sensor trigger: device above: 100 for: hours: 0 minutes: 1 seconds: 0 conditions: - condition: device type: is_on device_id: 372d8814188a8a04a5314afe14eca2bb entity_id: fe19b1089bb05644b632684df5bd42ec domain: switch actions: - action: input_boolean.turn_on target: entity_id: input_boolean.waschmaschine_aktiv data: {} mode: single - id: '1727953714662' alias: Waschmaschine fertig description: Sende eine Nachricht an den Smart Speaker, das Handy und die Awtrix Uhr. triggers: - type: power device_id: 372d8814188a8a04a5314afe14eca2bb entity_id: 5a6759f504b6058f710ce64888f27153 domain: sensor trigger: device below: 100 for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 conditions: - condition: device type: is_on device_id: 372d8814188a8a04a5314afe14eca2bb entity_id: fe19b1089bb05644b632684df5bd42ec domain: switch - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.waschmaschine_aktiv state: 'on' actions: - data: title: Die Waschmaschine ist fertig message: Hol die Wäsche hoch und häng sie auf oder pack sie in den Trockner. action: notify.mobile_app_le2123 - data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: Die Waschmaschine ist fertig! Hol die Wäsche hoch und häng sie auf oder pack sie in den Trockner. target: entity_id: tts.piper action: tts.speak - data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: awtrix_desk/notify payload: '{"text": "Die Waschmaschine ist fertig! Hol die Wäsche hoch und häng sie auf oder pack sie in den Trockner."}' action: mqtt.publish - action: input_boolean.turn_off metadata: {} data: {} target: entity_id: input_boolean.waschmaschine_aktiv mode: single - id: '1727961343753' alias: Wäschetrockner läuft description: Prüfen ob der Wäschetrockner läuft, dann den boolschen Schalter "Waschmaschine aktiv" einschalten triggers: - type: power device_id: 81e357077ac8d1f8f588fbb5324965b5 entity_id: fac93f9504dc8d1267bec7d02849d491 domain: sensor trigger: device above: 150 for: hours: 0 minutes: 1 seconds: 0 conditions: - condition: device type: is_on device_id: 81e357077ac8d1f8f588fbb5324965b5 entity_id: 2a2659668772d9345e42667900832f0e domain: switch actions: - action: input_boolean.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: input_boolean.waschetrockner_aktiv mode: single - id: '1727961563281' alias: Wäschetrockner fertig description: Sende eine Nachricht an den Smart Speaker, das Handy und die Awtrix Uhr. triggers: - type: power device_id: 81e357077ac8d1f8f588fbb5324965b5 entity_id: fac93f9504dc8d1267bec7d02849d491 domain: sensor trigger: device below: 150 for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 conditions: - condition: device type: is_on device_id: 81e357077ac8d1f8f588fbb5324965b5 entity_id: 2a2659668772d9345e42667900832f0e domain: switch - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.waschetrockner_aktiv state: 'on' actions: - data: title: Der Wäschetrockner ist fertig message: Hol die Wäsche aus dem Trockner. action: notify.mobile_app_le2123 - data: cache: true media_player_entity_id: media_player.raspiaudio_muse_luxe message: Der Wäschetrockner ist fertig! Hol die Wäsche heraus! target: entity_id: tts.piper action: tts.speak - data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: awtrix_desk/notify payload: '{"text": "Der Wäschetrockner ist fertig! Hol die Wäsche heraus!"}' action: mqtt.publish - action: input_boolean.turn_off metadata: {} data: {} target: entity_id: input_boolean.waschetrockner_aktiv mode: single