blueprint: name: Awtrix random effect description: This blueprint allows you to select the effects, which should be randomly displayed on your Awtrix light domain: automation author: N1c093 input: awtrix_light: name: Awtrix Display description: Select the target Awtrix display. selector: device: model: "AWTRIX Light" effect_list: name: Effects description: 'Select the effects which should randomly be displayed. See:' selector: select: options: - BrickBreaker - Fireworks - Radar - Snake - TheaterChase - SwirlOut - LookingEyes - Pacifica - PlasmaCloud - Checkerboard - PingPong - Ripple - TwinklingStars - ColorWaves - SwirlIn - Matrix - Plasma - MovingLine mode: list multiple: true duration: name: Effect duration description: Select how long each effect should be displayed. default: "10" selector: number: min: 1 max: 999 mode: box unit_of_measurement: seconds change_interval: name: Effect change interval description: 'Select how often (in minutes) the effect should change. Input must start with "/" Example: "/5"' default: "/5" selector: text: suffix: minutes mode: queued variables: device_id: !input awtrix_light awtrix_light: "{{ iif( device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user') != none, device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user'), device_attr(device_id, 'name') ) }}" effect_list: !input effect_list effect_random: "{{effect_list|random}}" duration: !input duration trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: !input change_interval action: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: "{{awtrix_light}}/custom/effect" payload: |- { "effect": "{{ effect_random }}", "duration": "{{ duration }}" }