# Time sensor (for use in templates and TTS) - platform: time_date display_options: - 'time' - 'date' # Database size sensor - platform: sql db_url: !secret ha_recorder_dburl queries: - name: "Home Assistant Datenbankgröße" query: 'SELECT table_schema "database", Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1048576, 2) "value" FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema="homeassistant" GROUP BY table_schema;' column: 'value' unit_of_measurement: MB # SNMP (Juniper) router traffic sensor - platform: snmp name: snmp_wan_in host: !secret router_ip community: !secret router_community baseoid: . - platform: snmp name: snmp_wan_out host: !secret router_ip community: !secret router_community baseoid: . - platform: derivative source: sensor.snmp_wan_in unit_time: s unit: B name: wan_in_derivative - platform: derivative source: sensor.snmp_wan_out unit_time: s unit: B name: wan_out_derivative - platform: template sensors: internet_speed_in: friendly_name: 'Internet Speed IN' value_template: "{{ (( states('sensor.wan_in_derivative') | float * 8 / 1000000 ) | round(2)) }}" unit_of_measurement: 'Mbps' internet_speed_out: friendly_name: 'Internet Speed OUT' value_template: "{{ (( states('sensor.wan_out_derivative') | float * 8 / 1000000 ) | round(2)) }}" unit_of_measurement: 'Mbps' - platform: statistics name: 'WAN Traffic In' state_characteristic: mean entity_id: sensor.internet_speed_in sampling_size: 10 - platform: statistics name: 'WAN Traffic Out' state_characteristic: mean entity_id: sensor.internet_speed_out sampling_size: 10 - platform: template sensors: sun_rising_template: friendly_name: "Sun Rising Template" value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_rising) | timestamp_custom ('%H:%M') }}" - platform: template sensors: sun_setting_template: friendly_name: "Sun Setting Template" value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_setting) | timestamp_custom ('%H:%M') }}" # Sensor for Riemann sum of energy import (W -> Wh) - platform: integration source: sensor.power_import name: energy_import_sum unit_prefix: k round: 2 method: left # Sensor for Riemann sum of energy export (W -> Wh) - platform: integration source: sensor.power_export name: energy_export_sum unit_prefix: k round: 2 method: left # Sensor for Riemann sum of energy consumption (W -> Wh) - platform: integration source: sensor.power_consumption name: energy_consumption_sum unit_prefix: k round: 2 method: left