#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from django.test import TestCase from lostplaces.models import Taggable, Mapable from taggit.models import Tag class ViewTestCase(TestCase): ''' This is a Mixin for testing views. It provides functionality to test the context, forms and HTTP Response of responses. All methods take responses, so this base class can be used with django's RequestFactory and Test-Client ''' view = None def assertContext(self, response, key, value=None): ''' Checks weather the response's context has the given key and, if passed, checks the value ''' self.assertTrue( key in response.context, msg='Expecting the context of %s to have an attribute \'%s\'' % ( self.view.__name__, key ) ) if value: self.assertEqual( value, response.context[key], msg='Expecting the context of %s to have %s set to \'%s\'' % ( self.view.__name__, key, str(value) ) ) def assertHasForm(self, response, key, form_class): ''' Checks if response has a form under the given key and if the forms class matches. ''' self.assertContext(response, key) self.assertEqual( type(response.context[key]), form_class, msg='Expecting %s\'s context.%s to be of the type %s' % ( self.view.__name__, key, form_class.__name__ ) ) def assertHttpCode(self, response, code): ''' Checks if the response has the given status code ''' self.assertEqual( response.status_code, code, msg='Expecting an HTTP %s response, but got HTTP %s' % ( code, response.status_code ) ) def assertHttpRedirect(self, response, redirect_to=None): ''' Checks weather the response redirected, and if passed, if it redirected to the expected location ''' self.assertTrue( 300 <= response.status_code < 400, 'Expected an HTTP 3XX (redirect) response, but got HTTP %s' % response.status_code ) self.assertTrue( 'location' in response, msg='Expecting a redirect to have an location, got none' ) if redirect_to: self.assertEqual( response['location'], redirect_to, msg='Expecting the response to redirect to %s, where redirected to %s instead' % ( str(redirect_to), str(response['location']) ) ) def assertHttpOK(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 200) def assertHttpCreated(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 201) def assertHttpBadRequest(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 400) def assertHttpUnauthorized(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 401) def assertHttpForbidden(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 403) def assertHttpNotFound(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 404) def assertHttpMethodNotAllowed(self, response): self.assertHttpCode(response, 405) class GlobalTemplateTestCaseMixin: def assertGlobal(self, response): self.assertLogo(response) self.assertMenu(response) self.assertProfileMenu(response) def assertLogo(self, response): """ Looks for an image tag with with 'logo' or 'Logo' in the file name all within an
tag. """ self.assertNotEqual( None, re.search( """.*.*
""", response.content.decode().replace('\n', '') ), msg='Expecting a header containing a logo with \'logo\' in the source name' ) def assertMenu(self, response): """ Looks for an '""", response.content.decode().replace('\n', '').lower() ), msg='Expecting an menu containing a link to the homepage and a link to the urbex codex' ) def assertMenuItem(self, response, label=None, url=None): """ Checks for an additional menu item by label or url. Regex can be passed. """ if label is None and url is None: raise ValueError("Either a label or url has to be provided") found_label = None if label != None: label = label.lower() found_label = re.search( """.*.*%s.*.*""" % label, response.content.decode().replace('\n', '').lower() ) found_url = None if url != None: url = url.lower() found_url = re.search( """.*.*.*""" % url, response.content.decode().replace('\n', '') ) self.assertTrue( found_label != None and found_url != None, msg='Expecting an menu item with either label \'%s\' or url \'%s\'' % ( label, url ) ) def assertProfileMenu(self, response): """ Looks for a logout or login+signup link within the an header tag """ self.assertNotEqual( None, re.search( """.*(""", response.content.decode().replace('\n', '').lower() ), msg='Expecting a profile menu containing either a logout link or a login and then a signup link' ) class TaggableViewTestCaseMixin: def assertTaggableContext(self, context): self.assertTrue( 'all_tags' in context, msg='Expecting the context for taggable to contain an \'all_tags\' attribute' ) for tag in context['all_tags']: self.assertTrue( isinstance(tag, Tag), msg='Expecting all entries to be an instance of %s, got %s' % ( str(Tag), str(type(tag)) ) ) self.assertTrue( 'submit_form' in context, msg='Expecting the context for taggable to contain \'submit_form\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( 'tagged_item' in context, msg='Expecting the context for taggable to contain \'tagged_item\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( isinstance(context['tagged_item'], Taggable), msg='Expecting the tagged_item to be an instance of %s' % ( str(Taggable) ) ) self.assertTrue( 'submit_url_name' in context, msg='Expecting the context for taggable to contain \'submit_url_name\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( type(context['submit_url_name']) == str, msg='Expecting submit_url_name to be of type string' ) self.assertTrue( 'delete_url_name' in context, msg='Expecting the context for taggable to contain \'delete_url_name\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( type(context['delete_url_name']) == str, msg='Expecting delete_url_name to be of type string' ) class MapableViewTestCaseMixin: def assertMapableContext(self, context): self.assertTrue( 'all_points' in context, msg='Expecting the context for mapable point to contain \'all_points\' attribute' ) for point in context['all_points']: self.assertTrue( isinstance(point, Mapable), msg='Expecting all entries to be an instance of %s, got %s' % ( str(Mapable), str(type(point)) ) ) self.assertTrue( 'map_center' in context, msg='Expecting the context for mapable point to contain \'map_center\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( 'latitude' in context['map_center'], msg='Expecting the map center to contain an \'latitude\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( isinstance(context['map_center']['latitude'], float) or isinstance(context['map_center']['latitude'], int), msg='Expecting the latitude of the map center to be numeric, type %s given' % ( str(type(context['map_center']['latitude'])) ) ) self.assertTrue( -90 <= context['map_center']['latitude'] <= 90, msg='Expecting the latitude of map center to be in the range of -90 and 90' ) self.assertTrue( 'longitude' in context['map_center'], msg='Expecting the map center to contain an \'longitude\' attribute' ) self.assertTrue( isinstance(context['map_center']['longitude'], float) or isinstance(context['map_center']['longitude'], int), msg='Expecting the longitude of the map center to be numeric, type %s given' % ( str(type(context['map_center']['longitude'])) ) ) self.assertTrue( -180 <= context['map_center']['longitude'] <= 180, msg='Expecting the longitude of map center to be in the range of -180 and 180' )