{% extends 'global.html'%} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% load thumbnail %} {% load svg_icon %} {% load lostplaces %} {% block additional_head %} {% endblock additional_head %} {% block title %}{{place.name}}{% endblock %} {% block additional_menu_items %}
  • {% translate 'Edit place' %}
  • {% translate 'Delete place' %}
  • {% endblock additional_menu_items %} {% block maincontent %}

    {{ place.name }} {% include 'partials/icons/place_favorite.html' %} {% include 'partials/icons/place_visited.html' %} {% if user.is_superuser %} {% translate 'view place in admin panel' %} {% endif %}

    {% if place.get_hero_image %}
    {% include '../partials/image.html' with source_url=place.get_hero_image.filename.hero.url link_url="#image"|addstr:place.get_hero_index_in_queryset %}
    {% endif %}

    {{ place.description }}

    {% url 'place_tag_submit' place_id=place.id as tag_submit_url %} {% include '../partials/tagging.html' with config=tagging_config %}
    {% include '../partials/voting.html' with voting=placevoting %}

    {% translate 'Map links' %}

    {% include '../partials/osm_map.html' with config=mapping_config %}

    {% translate 'Photo albums' %}

    {% translate 'Images' as headline %} {% include '../partials/placeImageGrid.html' with image_list=place.placeimages.all %}
    {% endblock maincontent %}