// Padding and Margin sizes $-spacing-small: 10px; $-spacing-medium: 25px; $-spacing-large: 35px; // .RV-Dummy { overflow: hidden; &--orange { background-color: #F4A460 !important; } &--blue { background-color: #6495ED !important; } &--green { background-color: #90EE90 !important; } &--red { background-color: #ce6d6d !important; } &--yellow{ background-color: #eae144 !important; } background-color: #F4A460; &:nth-child(2n){ background-color: #6495ED; } &:nth-child(3n){ background-color: #90EE90; } &__Landscape { min-width: 200px; width: 100%; min-height: 130px; } &__Portrait{ min-width: 130px; width: 100%; min-height: 200px; } &__Square { min-width: 300px; width: 100%; min-height: 300px; &--large { height: 500px; width: 500px; } &--small{ height: 100px; width: 100px; } } &--square { height: 350px; width: 350px; } &--portrait { height: 350px; width: 150px; } &--landscape { width: 350px; height: 150px; } &--red { background-color: #d8583e; } } /** * Mixins to maintain aspect ratio of an element. */ @mixin RV-AspectRatio--XtoY($aspectX: 1, $aspectY: 1) { --aspectX: #{$aspectX}; --aspectY: #{$aspectY}; padding-top: calc(100% * calc(var(--aspectY) / var(--aspectX))); } @mixin RV-AspectRatio--1to2 { @include RV-AspectRatio--XtoY(1, 2); } @mixin RV-AspectRatio--2to1 { @include RV-AspectRatio--XtoY(2, 1); } @mixin RV-AspectRatio--3to2 { @include RV-AspectRatio--XtoY(3, 2); } @mixin RV-AspectRatio--4to3 { @include RV-AspectRatio--XtoY(4, 3); } @mixin RV-AspectRatio--16to9 { @include RV-AspectRatio--XtoY(16, 9); } @mixin RV-AspectRatio { position: relative; overflow: hidden; height: unset; width: unset; * { object-fit: cover; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; } } .RV-AspectRatio { @include RV-AspectRatio; &--1to2 { @include RV-AspectRatio--1to2; } &--2to1 { @include RV-AspectRatio--2to1; } &--3to2 { @include RV-AspectRatio--3to2; } &--4to3 { @include RV-AspectRatio--4to3; } &--16to9 { @include RV-AspectRatio--16to9; } } /** * This mixins helps you positioning objects (i.e. images, videos) to a 'focal point'. * A focal point is a manual choosen point in an object that will be in the center of the cropped object. * If the object is not cropped, the focal point does not apply. Best used with RV-AspectRatio. * The focal point is given in percentages relative to the objects size. * To set the focal point either use one the the predefined classes or set them using inline CSS: * class="RV-FocalPoint" style="--focalX: 44%; --focalY: 16.66%" * */ @mixin RV-FocalPoint--upperHalf { --focalY: 25%; } @mixin RV-FocalPoint--lowerHalf { --focalY: 75%; } @mixin RV-FocalPoint--leftHalf { --focalX: 25%; } @mixin RV-FocalPoint--rightHalf { --focalX: 75%; } @mixin RV-FocalPoint($focalX: 50%, $focalY: 50%) { --focalX: #{$focalX}; --focalY: #{$focalY}; height: 100%; width: 100%; display: block; object-fit: cover; object-position: var(--focalX) var(--focalY); } .RV-FocalPoint { @include RV-FocalPoint; &--upperHalf { @include RV-FocalPoint--upperHalf; } &--lowerHalf { @include RV-FocalPoint--lowerHalf; } &--leftHalf { @include RV-FocalPoint--leftHalf; } &--rightHalf { @include RV-FocalPoint--rightHalf; } } @mixin RV-Rotation--degree($degree) { --rotationDegree: #{$degree}; } @mixin RV-Rotation--left { @include RV-Rotation--degree(-90deg); } @mixin RV-Rotation--right { @include RV-Rotation--degree(90deg); } @mixin RV-Rotation--upsideDown { @include RV-Rotation--degree(180deg); } @mixin RV-Rotation { --rotationDegree: 0deg; transform: rotate(var(--rotationDegree)); } .RV-Rotation { @include RV-Rotation; &--left { @include RV-Rotation--left; } &--right { @include RV-Rotation--right; } &--upsideDown { @include RV-Rotation--upsideDown; } } /** * This mixins lets to shape elements to squares or circles. * Note: Even if the class RV-Shape itself is not nessecary (at this point) * you still should use it to maintain compatiblity: * CSS: class="RV-Shape RV-Shape--square" * Stylues: * RV-Shape() * RV-Shape--square() * You may want to combine this mixin with RV-FocalPoint. */ @mixin RV-Shape--square{ width: 100%; position: relative; &:after { padding-bottom: 100%; content: ''; display: block; } * { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; } } @mixin RV-Shape--circle { @include RV-Shape--square; &, * { clip-path: circle() } } .RV-Shape{ &--square { @include RV-Shape--square; } &--circle { @include RV-Shape--circle; } } @mixin RV-Alignment--top { display: flex; align-content: start; } @mixin RV-Alignment--bottom { display: flex; align-content: end; } @mixin RV-Alignment--left { display: flex; justify-content: start; } @mixin RV-Alignment--right { display: flex; justify-content: end; } @mixin RV-Alignment--horizontalCenter { display: flex; justify-content:0 center; } @mixin RV-Alignment--verticalCenter { display: flex; align-items: center; } @mixin RV-Alignment--center { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .RV-Alignment { &--top { @include RV-Alignment--top; } &--bottom { @include RV-Alignment--bottom; } &--left { @include RV-Alignment--left; } &--right { @include RV-Alignment--right; } &--horizontalCenter { @include RV-Alignment--horizontalCenter; } &--verticalCenter { @include RV-Alignment--verticalCenter; } &--center { @include RV-Alignment--center; } } html { --spacing-factor: 1.5; --spacing-none: 0; --spacing-small: calc(var(--spacing-regular) / var(--spacing-factor)); --spacing-regular: 1em; --spacing-medium: calc(var(--spacing-regular) * var(--spacing-factor)); --spacing-large: calc(var(--spacing-regular) * (var(--spacing-factor) * var(--spacing-factor))); --spacing-extra-large: calc(var(--spacing-regular) * (var(--spacing-factor) * var(--spacing-factor) * var(--spacing-factor))); --spacing: var(--spacing-regular); } .RV-Spacing { &--none { --spacing: var(--spacing-none); } &--small { --spacing: var(--spacing-small); } &--regular { --spacing: var(--spacing-regular); } &--medium { --spacing: var(--spacing-medium); } &--large { --spacing: var(--spacing-large); } &--extra-large { --spacing: var(--spacing-extra-large); } } /* * Classes for easy flexrow usage */ /* * Orientation */ @mixin RV-Flex--horizontal { flex-direction: row; } @mixin RV-Flex--vertical { flex-direction: column; } /* * Typical Flexbox behavior, Row is horizontal, but item are wraped individualy */ @mixin RV-Flex--wrap { flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; } /* * Varios relative width of items to each other */ @mixin RV-Flex__Item--narrower { flex-grow: 2; flex-shrink: 10; } @mixin RV-Flex__Item--narrow { flex-grow: 4; flex-shrink: 8; } @mixin RV-Flex__Item--wide { flex-grow: 8; flex-shrink: 4; } @mixin RV-Flex__Item--wider { flex-grow: 10; flex-shrink: 2; } /* * Item has always the given width */ @mixin RV-Flex__Item--fixedSize { flex-basis: var(--fixedSize); flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; } /* * Item width relativ to the container */ @mixin RV-Flex__Item--half { overflow: hidden; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: 50%; } @mixin RV-Flex__Item--third { overflow: hidden; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: calc(100%/3); } @mixin RV-Flex__Item--quarter { overflow: hidden; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: 25%; } @mixin RV-Flex__Item--content { flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: max-content; } /* ########## * Item class * ########## */ @mixin RV-Flex__Item { flex-grow: 5; flex-shrink: 5; } @mixin RV-Flex { display: flex; gap: var(--gap); } /* ########## * Block ########### */ .RV-Flex { $block: &; --gap: 0; @include RV-Flex; &__Item { --fixedSize: 100px; @include RV-Flex__Item; &--narrower { @include RV-Flex__Item--narrower; } &--narrow { @include RV-Flex__Item--narrow; } &--wide { @include RV-Flex__Item--wide; } &--wider { @include RV-Flex__Item--wider; } &--half { @include RV-Flex__Item--half; } &--third { @include RV-Flex__Item--third; } &--quarter { @include RV-Flex__Item--quarter; } &--fixedSize { @include RV-Flex__Item--fixedSize; } &--content { @include RV-Flex__Item--content; } } } /* * #### * Item * #### */ @mixin RV-BreakPoint__Item--outside { flex-shrink: 999; } @mixin RV-BreakPoint__Item--inside { flex-grow: 0; } @mixin RV-BreakPoint__Item { @include RV-Flex__Item; flex-basis: calc(var(--breakPoint) * 999 - 100% * 999); overflow: hidden; --outer-spacing: 0; --inner-spacing: 0; } /* * #### * Wrap * #### */ @mixin RV-BreakPoint--wrap__Item--outside { margin-bottom: -100vh; } /* * ########## * Horizontal * ########## */ @mixin RV-BreakPoint--horizontal__Item--outside{ margin-bottom: unset; height: unset; } @mixin RV-BreakPoint--horizontal { flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: row; } /* * ######## * Vertical * ######## */ @mixin RV-BreakPoint--vertical__Item--outside { margin-bottom: unset; height: unset; } @mixin RV-BreakPoint--vertical { flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: nowrap; height: 100vh; } /* * ##### * Block * ##### */ @mixin RV-BreakPoint{ @include RV-Flex; @include RV-Flex--wrap; overflow-y: hidden; //RV-Reset() gap: 0px; } .RV-BreakPoint { $block: &; --breakPoint: 500px; @include RV-BreakPoint; &__Item { @include RV-BreakPoint__Item; &--outside { @include RV-BreakPoint__Item--outside; } &--inside { @include RV-BreakPoint__Item--inside; } } &--wrap &__Item{ &--outside { @include RV-BreakPoint--wrap__Item--outside; } } &--horizontal { @include RV-BreakPoint--horizontal; & #{$block}__Item { &--outside { @include RV-BreakPoint--wrap__Item--outside; } } } &--vertical { @include RV-BreakPoint--vertical; & #{$block}__Item { &--outside { @include RV-BreakPoint--vertical__Item--outside; } } } } @mixin RV-Grid--autoWidth { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(var(--itemMinWidth), 1fr)); grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(var(--itemHeight), 1fr)); grid-auto-rows: minmax(var(--itemHeight), 1fr); } @mixin RV-Grid--fixedSize{ grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(var(--itemHeight), 1fr)); grid-auto-rows: minmax(var(--itemHeight), 1fr); grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, var(--itemWidth)); justify-content: space-between; } @mixin RV-Grid--masonry__Item { width: 100%; margin-bottom: var(--gap); &:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } } @mixin RV-Grid--masonry { display: block; column-count: auto; column-width: var(--itemWidth); } @mixin RV-Grid__Item{ height: calc(var(--itemHeight) - calc(2*var(--inner-spacing))); & > * { height: 100%; width: 100%; } } @mixin RV-Grid{ display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, var(--itemWidth)); gap: var(--gap); } .RV-Grid { $block: &; --itemHeight: 300px; --itemWidth: 300px; --itemMinWidth: 300px; --gap: 15px; @include RV-Grid; &__Item { @include RV-Grid__Item; } &--autoWidth { @include RV-Grid--autoWidth; } &--masonry { @include RV-Grid--masonry; & #{$block}__Item { @include RV-Grid--masonry__Item; } } &--fixedSize { @include RV-Grid--fixedSize; } } /* ############# * Element Mixins * ############# */ @mixin RV-Turner__Base{ height: var(--base-height); flex-basis: var(--base-width); flex-shrink: 0; flex-grow: 1; } @mixin RV-Turner__Content { flex-grow: 9999; flex-basis: var(--base-width); min-width: var(--base-width); max-height: var(--base-height); overflow: hidden; } /* ############ * Block Mixin * ############ */ @mixin RV-Turner($base-height, $base-width) { --base-height: #{$base-height}; --base-width: #{$base-width}; display: flex; max-width: calc(3 * var(--base-width)); min-width: var(--base-width); } @mixin RV-Turner--horizontal__Base { width: var(--base-width); } @mixin RV-Turner--horizontal { flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: row; overflow: hidden; height: var(--base-height); } @mixin RV-Turner--vertical { flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: column; } @mixin RV-Turner--auto { flex-wrap: wrap; } .RV-Turner { $block: &; @include RV-Turner(300px, 300px); &--horizontal { @include RV-Turner--horizontal; #{$block}__Base { @include RV-Turner--horizontal__Base; } } &--vertical { @include RV-Turner--vertical; } &--auto { @include RV-Turner--auto; } &__Base { @include RV-Turner__Base; } &__Content { @include RV-Turner__Content; } } .RV-Label { display: contents; } @mixin RV-Icon { @include RV-Shape--square; background-repeat: no-repeat; display: block; background-size: contain; color: transparent; height: 100%; * { width: 0; } img, .RV-Image { height: 100%; width: unset; } } .RV-Icon { @include RV-Icon; } .RV-Field { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; &--vertical { flex-direction: column; } &--horizontal { flex-direction: row; } } @mixin RV-Button { @include RV-Flex; @include RV-Flex--horizontal; align-items: center; height: var(--height); } @mixin RV-Button__Icon { height: 1.5em; img, .RV-Image { position: unset; } } .RV-Button { @include RV-Button; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; --height: 2rem; &__Icon { @include RV-Button__Icon; } } .RV-Link { $block: &; text-align: center; width: max-content; &__Anchor { text-decoration: none; } &--button { position: relative; background-color: gray; padding: 10px; #{$block}__Anchor::after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } } } @mixin RV-Iconized__Text { order: 10; } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--small { --icon-size: var(--spacing-small); } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--regular { --icon-size: var(--spacing-regular); } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--medium { --icon-size: var(--spacing-medium); } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--large { --icon-size: var(--spacing-large); } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--extraLarge { --icon-size: var(--spacing-extra-large); } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--left { * { order: 5; } } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon--right { * { order: 15; } } @mixin RV-Iconized__Icon { display: contents; * { height: 100%; height: var(--icon-size); } } @mixin RV-Iconized { --icon-size: var(--spacing-regular); display: inline-flex; position: relative; align-items: center; gap: calc(var(--icon-size) / 2); } .RV-Iconized { @include RV-Iconized; &__Text { @include RV-Iconized__Text; } &__Icon { @include RV-Iconized__Icon; &--small { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--small; } &--regular { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--regular; } &--medium { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--medium; } &--large { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--large; } &--extraLarge { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--extraLarge; } &--right { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--right; } &--left { @include RV-Iconized__Icon--left; } } } // // @mixin RV-LinkList--horizontal { --itemHeight: var(--linkHeight); --itemMinWidth: var(--linkWidth); .RV-LinkList__List { @include RV-Grid; @include RV-Grid--autoWidth; gap: var(--spacing); } } @mixin RV-LinkList__List { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: var(--spacing); } @mixin RV-LinkList__Item { .RV-Link { padding: var(--linkHeight); box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; } } @mixin RV-LinkList { } .RV-LinkList { --linkWidth: 12em; --linkHeight: 1em; &__List { @include RV-LinkList__List; } &__Item { @include RV-LinkList__Item; } &--horizontal { @include RV-LinkList--horizontal; } } .RV-Teaser { $block: &; @include RV-Turner(300px, 300px); &__Image { @include RV-Turner__Base; } &__Content { @include RV-Turner__Content; @include RV-Flex; @include RV-Flex--vertical; } &--auto { @include RV-Turner--auto; } &--horizontal { @include RV-Turner--horizontal; #{$block}__Image { @include RV-Turner--horizontal__Base; } } &--vertical { @include RV-Turner--vertical; } }