/** * This mixins lets to shape elements to squares or circles. * Note: Even if the class RV-Shape itself is not nessecary (at this point) * you still should use it to maintain compatiblity: * CSS: class="RV-Shape RV-Shape--square" * Stylues: * RV-Shape() * RV-Shape--square() * You may want to combine this mixin with RV-FocalPoint. */ RV-Shape--square() +RV-Block--modifier() padding-top 100% width 100% position relative * position absolute top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0 RV-Shape--circle() +RV-Block--modifier() padding-top 100% width 100% position relative &, * clip-path circle() * position absolute top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0 +RV-Block--shorthand('RV-Shape') RV-Shape--square() RV-Shape--circle()