/** * This mixin is for truncating text. By now, this can only be done by container height. * Because this is actually realy messed up in native CSS, you have to specify the line-height * and container height manualy in Stylues. CSS-Variables can unfortunately not be used in this case. */ RV-Truncation--fade(background-color=white) +RV-Block--modifier() +RV-Element('Content') &:last-child:after background-image linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), background-color) display block content '###' color transparent opacity 1 position absolute top calc(var(--height) - 40px) width 100% height calc(1.5 * var(--line-height)) z-index 10 RV-Truncation--ellipsis(background-color=white) +RV-Block--modifier() +RV-Element('Cutter') &:after position absolute display block right 0 content '...' background-color background-color padding-left 5px padding-bottom 10px box-shadow -10px 8px 6px 0px background-color; line-height --line-height top calc(var(--height) - 38px) +RV-Element('Content') &:after display block background-color background-color content '' position relative right 0 height --height width 100% bottom -100% z-index 30 RV-Truncation(line-height=1.3em, height=100%, background-color=white) RV-CSSParameter({ line-height: line-height, height: height, background-color: background-color }) display grid align-content flex-start grid-template-rows repeat(auto-fill, --line-height) height --height height calc_height(--height) width calc_width() position relative * overflow hidden grid-row 1/-1 background --background-color line-height --line-height +RV-Block--shorthand('RV-Truncation') RV-Truncation() RV-Truncation--fade(--background-color) RV-Truncation--ellipsis(--background-color)