Various changes to layout and sensors.
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,6 +50,22 @@ binary_sensor:
format: 'Button pressed, refreshing screen!'
- component.update: epaper
# Switch to next page
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO13
inverted: True
name: "Next page"
internal: True
- logger.log:
level: INFO
format: 'Button pressed, rendering next page!'
- epaper
- component.update: epaper
# DHT22 sensor
- platform: dht
@ -268,6 +284,11 @@ font:
'' # mdi-alert
- file: "epaperframe/C1024_logo_flat.png"
id: c1024_logo
type: binary
clk_pin: 23
mosi_pin: 32
@ -282,355 +303,361 @@ display:
model: 7.50in
# full_update_every: 30 # not supported on this display
update_interval: never
lambda: |-
int pm25_danger_thres = 40;
float outdoor_temp = id(temp_outdoor).state;
int outdoor_humid = int(id(humid_outdoor).state);
float air_pressure = id(airpressure).state;
float livingroom_temp = id(temp_livingroom).state;
int livingroom_humid = int(id(humid_livingroom).state);
int livingroom_pm25 = int(id(pm25_livingroom).state);
float livingroom_co2 = id(co2_livingroom).state;
float sleepingroom_temp = id(temp_sleepingroom).state;
int sleepingroom_humid = int(id(humid_sleepingroom).state);
int sleepingroom_pm25 = int(id(pm25_sleepingroom).state);
float sleepingroom_co2 = id(co2_sleepingroom).state;
float serverroom_temp = id(temp_serverroom).state;
int serverroom_humid = id(humid_serverroom).state;
char sunrise[5] = "";
char sunset[5] = "";
int offsetX = 0;
int offsetY = 0;
- id: environment
lambda: |-
int pm25_danger_thres = 40;
float outdoor_temp = id(temp_outdoor).state;
int outdoor_humid = int(id(humid_outdoor).state);
float air_pressure = id(airpressure).state;
float livingroom_temp = id(temp_livingroom).state;
int livingroom_humid = int(id(humid_livingroom).state);
int livingroom_pm25 = int(id(pm25_livingroom).state);
float livingroom_co2 = id(co2_livingroom).state;
float sleepingroom_temp = id(temp_sleepingroom).state;
int sleepingroom_humid = int(id(humid_sleepingroom).state);
int sleepingroom_pm25 = int(id(pm25_sleepingroom).state);
float sleepingroom_co2 = id(co2_sleepingroom).state;
float serverroom_temp = id(temp_serverroom).state;
int serverroom_humid = id(humid_serverroom).state;
char sunrise[5] = "";
char sunset[5] = "";
int offsetX = 0;
int offsetY = 0;
This is Commander1024 doing awful string / time fuckerey full of
desperation to format sunrise / sunset times.
Don't be like Commander1024
This is Commander1024 doing awful string / time fuckerey full of
desperation to format sunrise / sunset times.
Don't be like Commander1024
Format: 2021-10-08T05:40:47.467076+00:00 -> 7:40 (dst)
int dst = id(homeassistant_time).now().is_dst; // returns 1 for dst, otherwise 0
struct tm tm;
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
strptime(id(sun_rise).state.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &tm);
time_t rawtime = mktime(&tm);
struct tm* ltm = localtime(&rawtime);
sprintf(sunrise, "%d:%02d", ltm->tm_hour + dst, ltm->tm_min);
Format: 2021-10-08T05:40:47.467076+00:00 -> 7:40 (dst)
int dst = id(homeassistant_time).now().is_dst; // returns 1 for dst, otherwise 0
struct tm tm;
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
strptime(id(sun_rise).state.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &tm);
time_t rawtime = mktime(&tm);
struct tm* ltm = localtime(&rawtime);
sprintf(sunrise, "%d:%02d", ltm->tm_hour + dst, ltm->tm_min);
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
strptime(id(sun_set).state.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &tm);
rawtime = mktime(&tm);
ltm = localtime(&rawtime);
sprintf(sunset, "%d:%02d", ltm->tm_hour + dst, ltm->tm_min);
memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
strptime(id(sun_set).state.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &tm);
rawtime = mktime(&tm);
ltm = localtime(&rawtime);
sprintf(sunset, "%d:%02d", ltm->tm_hour + dst, ltm->tm_min);
it.print(10, 10, id(sensor_unit), "Umwelt");
Draw the outline of a rectangle with the top left at [78,21],
a width of 305 and a height of 3
it.filled_rectangle(86, 21, 297, 3);
it.print(10, 10, id(sensor_unit), "Umwelt");
Draw the outline of a rectangle with the top left at [78,21],
a width of 305 and a height of 3
it.filled_rectangle(86, 21, 297, 3);
it.print(10, 115, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // air pressure icon
it.print(375, 75, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer icon
it.print(375, 115, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent icon
it.print(10, 115, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // air pressure icon
it.print(375, 75, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer icon
it.print(375, 115, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent icon
if(outdoor_temp > -100 && outdoor_temp < 100) {
it.printf(357, 75, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", outdoor_temp);
else {
it.print(357, 75, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(outdoor_temp > -100 && outdoor_temp < 100) {
it.printf(357, 75, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", outdoor_temp);
else {
it.print(357, 75, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(outdoor_humid >=0 && outdoor_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(357, 115, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", outdoor_humid);
else {
it.print(357, 115, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(outdoor_humid >=0 && outdoor_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(357, 115, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", outdoor_humid);
else {
it.print(357, 115, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(air_pressure < 1200 && air_pressure >=800) {
it.printf(220, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%4.1f", air_pressure);
it.print(225, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "hPa");
else {
it.print(220, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(225, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "hPa");
if(air_pressure < 1200 && air_pressure >=800) {
it.printf(220, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%4.1f", air_pressure);
it.print(225, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "hPa");
else {
it.print(220, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(225, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "hPa");
/* Livingroom */
offsetY = 127;
it.print(10, 10 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), "Wohnzimmer");
it.filled_rectangle(136, 21 + offsetY, 247, 3);
it.print(10, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // PM2.5
it.print(375, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer
it.print(375, 115 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent
it.print(10, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // CO2
/* Livingroom */
offsetY = 127;
it.print(10, 10 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), "Wohnzimmer");
it.filled_rectangle(136, 21 + offsetY, 247, 3);
it.print(10, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // PM2.5
it.print(375, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer
it.print(375, 115 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent
it.print(10, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // CO2
if(livingroom_temp > -100 && livingroom_temp < 100) {
it.printf(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", livingroom_temp);
else {
it.print(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(livingroom_temp > -100 && livingroom_temp < 100) {
it.printf(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", livingroom_temp);
else {
it.print(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(livingroom_humid >=0 && livingroom_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", livingroom_humid);
else {
it.print(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(livingroom_humid >=0 && livingroom_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", livingroom_humid);
else {
it.print(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(livingroom_co2 >=380 && livingroom_co2 <= 20000) {
it.printf(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%4.0f", livingroom_co2);
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm");
else {
it.print(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm³");
if(livingroom_co2 >=380 && livingroom_co2 <= 20000) {
it.printf(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%4.0f", livingroom_co2);
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm");
else {
it.print(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm³");
if(livingroom_pm25 < 255 && livingroom_pm25 >=0) {
it.printf(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d", livingroom_pm25);
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
if(livingroom_pm25 >= pm25_danger_thres) {
it.print(37, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_med), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // warning
else {
it.print(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
if(livingroom_pm25 < 255 && livingroom_pm25 >=0) {
it.printf(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d", livingroom_pm25);
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
if(livingroom_pm25 >= pm25_danger_thres) {
it.print(37, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_med), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // warning
else {
it.print(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
/* Sleepingroom */
offsetY = 247;
it.print(10, 10 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), "Schlafzimmer");
it.filled_rectangle(144, 21 + offsetY, 239, 3);
it.print(10, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // PM2.5
it.print(375, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer
it.print(375, 115 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent
it.print(10, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // CO2
/* Sleepingroom */
offsetY = 247;
it.print(10, 10 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), "Schlafzimmer");
it.filled_rectangle(144, 21 + offsetY, 239, 3);
it.print(10, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // PM2.5
it.print(375, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer
it.print(375, 115 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent
it.print(10, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // CO2
if(sleepingroom_temp > -100 && sleepingroom_temp < 100) {
it.printf(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", sleepingroom_temp);
else {
it.print(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(sleepingroom_temp > -100 && sleepingroom_temp < 100) {
it.printf(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", sleepingroom_temp);
else {
it.print(357, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(sleepingroom_humid >=0 && sleepingroom_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", sleepingroom_humid);
else {
it.print(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(sleepingroom_humid >=0 && sleepingroom_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", sleepingroom_humid);
else {
it.print(357, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(sleepingroom_co2 >=380 && sleepingroom_co2 <= 20000) {
it.printf(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%4.0f", sleepingroom_co2);
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm");
else {
it.print(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm³");
if(sleepingroom_co2 >=380 && sleepingroom_co2 <= 20000) {
it.printf(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%4.0f", sleepingroom_co2);
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm");
else {
it.print(150, 75 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(150, 50 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "ppm³");
if(sleepingroom_pm25 < 255 && sleepingroom_pm25 >=0) {
it.printf(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d", sleepingroom_pm25);
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
if(sleepingroom_pm25 >= pm25_danger_thres) {
it.print(37, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_med), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // warning
else {
it.print(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
if(sleepingroom_pm25 < 255 && sleepingroom_pm25 >=0) {
it.printf(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d", sleepingroom_pm25);
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
if(sleepingroom_pm25 >= pm25_danger_thres) {
it.print(37, 114 + offsetY, id(mdi_med), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // warning
else {
it.print(200, 114 + offsetY, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "- ");
it.print(205, 114 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "µg/m³");
/* Weather */
offsetX = 390;
it.print(10 + offsetX, 10, id(sensor_unit), "Wetter");
it.filled_rectangle(80 + offsetX, 21, 155, 3);
/* Weather */
offsetX = 390;
it.print(10 + offsetX, 10, id(sensor_unit), "Wetter");
it.filled_rectangle(80 + offsetX, 21, 155, 3);
/* Current weather */
if(id(weather).has_state()) {
int x = 227 + offsetX;
int y = 116;
if (id(weather).state == "clear-night") {
// clear night
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "clear night");
} else if (id(weather).state == "cloudy") {
// cloudy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "cloudy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "fog") {
// fog
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "fog");
} else if (id(weather).state == "hail") {
// hail
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "hail");
} else if (id(weather).state == "lightning") {
// lightning
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "lightning");
} else if (id(weather).state == "lightning-rainy") {
// lightning-rainy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "lightning-rainy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "partlycloudy") {
// partly cloudy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "partlycloudy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "pouring") {
// pouring
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "pouring");
} else if (id(weather).state == "rainy") {
// rainy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "rainy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "snowy") {
// snowy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "snowy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "snowy-rainy") {
// snowy-rainy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "snowy-rainy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "sunny") {
// sunny
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "sunny");
} else if (id(weather).state == "windy") {
// windy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "windy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "windy-variant") {
// windy variant
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "windy variant");
} else if (id(weather).state == "exceptional") {
// exceptional
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "exceptional");
} else {
// N/A
it.print(x, y, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "-");
ESP_LOGE("Weather", "No data");
/* Current weather */
if(id(weather).has_state()) {
int x = 227 + offsetX;
int y = 116;
if (id(weather).state == "clear-night") {
// clear night
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "clear night");
} else if (id(weather).state == "cloudy") {
// cloudy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "cloudy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "fog") {
// fog
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "fog");
} else if (id(weather).state == "hail") {
// hail
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "hail");
} else if (id(weather).state == "lightning") {
// lightning
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "lightning");
} else if (id(weather).state == "lightning-rainy") {
// lightning-rainy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "lightning-rainy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "partlycloudy") {
// partly cloudy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "partlycloudy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "pouring") {
// pouring
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "pouring");
} else if (id(weather).state == "rainy") {
// rainy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "rainy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "snowy") {
// snowy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "snowy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "snowy-rainy") {
// snowy-rainy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "snowy-rainy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "sunny") {
// sunny
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "sunny");
} else if (id(weather).state == "windy") {
// windy
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "windy");
} else if (id(weather).state == "windy-variant") {
// windy variant
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "windy variant");
} else if (id(weather).state == "exceptional") {
// exceptional
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Weather", "exceptional");
} else {
// N/A
it.print(x, y, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "-");
ESP_LOGE("Weather", "No data");
/* Moon phase display */
if(id(moonphase).has_state()) {
int x = 10 + offsetX;
int y = 200;
if (id(moonphase).state == "new_moon") {
// new moon
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "new moon");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waxing_crescent") {
// waxing crescent
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waxing crescent");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "first_quarter") {
// first_quarter
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "first quarter");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waxing_gibbous") {
// waxing gibbous
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waxing gibbous");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "full_moon") {
// full moon
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "full moon");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waning_gibbous") {
// waning gibbous
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waning gibbous");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "last_quarter") {
// last quarter
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "last quarter");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waning_crescent") {
// waning crescent
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waning crescent");
} else {
// N/A
it.print(x, y, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "-");
ESP_LOGE("Moonphase", "No data");
/* Moon phase display */
if(id(moonphase).has_state()) {
int x = 10 + offsetX;
int y = 200;
if (id(moonphase).state == "new_moon") {
// new moon
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "new moon");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waxing_crescent") {
// waxing crescent
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waxing crescent");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "first_quarter") {
// first_quarter
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "first quarter");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waxing_gibbous") {
// waxing gibbous
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waxing gibbous");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "full_moon") {
// full moon
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "full moon");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waning_gibbous") {
// waning gibbous
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waning gibbous");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "last_quarter") {
// last quarter
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "last quarter");
} else if (id(moonphase).state == "waning_crescent") {
// waning crescent
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_weather), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "");
ESP_LOGI("Moonphase", "waning crescent");
} else {
// N/A
it.print(x, y, id(big_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "-");
ESP_LOGE("Moonphase", "No data");
if(id(sun_state).has_state()) {
ESP_LOGI("Sun", "State of the sun: %s, sunrise: %s, sunset: %s",
id(sun_state).state.c_str(), sunrise, sunset);
if(id(sun_state).has_state()) {
ESP_LOGI("Sun", "State of the sun: %s, sunrise: %s, sunset: %s",
id(sun_state).state.c_str(), sunrise, sunset);
it.print(10 + offsetX, 250, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // sun-up
it.printf(50 + offsetX, 250, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", sunrise);
it.print(135 + offsetX, 250, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // sun-down
it.printf(175 + offsetX, 250, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", sunset);
it.print(10 + offsetX, 250, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // sun-up
it.printf(50 + offsetX, 250, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", sunrise);
it.print(135 + offsetX, 250, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ""); // sun-down
it.printf(175 + offsetX, 250, id(sensor_unit), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", sunset);
/* Serverroom */
offsetY = 247;
it.print(10 + offsetX, 10 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), "Serverraum");
it.filled_rectangle(125 + offsetX, 21 + offsetY, 110, 3);
/* Serverroom */
offsetY = 247;
it.print(10 + offsetX, 10 + offsetY, id(sensor_unit), "Serverraum");
it.filled_rectangle(125 + offsetX, 21 + offsetY, 110, 3);
it.print(227 + offsetX, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer
it.print(227+ offsetX, 115 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent
it.print(227 + offsetX, 75 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // thermometer
it.print(227+ offsetX, 115 + offsetY, id(mdi_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, ""); // water percent
if(serverroom_temp > -100 && serverroom_temp < 100) {
it.printf(207 + offsetX, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", serverroom_temp);
else {
it.print(207 + offsetX, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(serverroom_temp > -100 && serverroom_temp < 100) {
it.printf(207 + offsetX, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.1fºC", serverroom_temp);
else {
it.print(207 + offsetX, 75 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - ºC");
if(serverroom_humid >=0 && serverroom_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(207 + offsetX, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", serverroom_humid);
else {
it.print(207 + offsetX, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
if(serverroom_humid >=0 && serverroom_humid <= 100) {
it.printf(207 + offsetX, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3d%%", serverroom_humid);
else {
it.print(207 + offsetX, 115 + offsetY, id(sub_sensor_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, " - %");
/* FOOTER */
it.strftime(614, 380, id(footer_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT , "Aktualisiert um %d.%m.%Y %H:%M", id(homeassistant_time).now());
/* WiFi Signal Strenght */
if(id(wifisignal).has_state()) {
int x = 630;
int y = 384;
if (id(wifisignal).state >= -50) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Excellent");
} else if (id(wifisignal).state >= -60) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Good");
} else if (id(wifisignal).state >= -75) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Fair");
} else if (id(wifisignal).state >= -100) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Weak");
} else {
//Unlikely working signal
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Unlikely");
/* FOOTER */
it.strftime(614, 380, id(footer_font), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT , "Aktualisiert um %d.%m.%Y %H:%M", id(homeassistant_time).now());
/* WiFi Signal Strenght */
if(id(wifisignal).has_state()) {
int x = 630;
int y = 384;
if (id(wifisignal).state >= -50) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Excellent");
} else if (id(wifisignal).state >= -60) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Good");
} else if (id(wifisignal).state >= -75) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Fair");
} else if (id(wifisignal).state >= -100) {
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Weak");
} else {
//Unlikely working signal
it.print(x, y, id(mdi_wifi), TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "");
ESP_LOGI("WiFi", "Unlikely");
- id: logo
lambda: |-
it.image(1, 48, id(c1024_logo));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user