lostplaces-backend is a django (3.x) based webproject. It once wants to become a software which allows a group of urban explorers to manage, document and share the locations of lost places while not exposing too much / any information to the public.
The software is currently in early development status, neither scope, datalmodel(s) nor features are finalized yet. Therefore we would not recommend to download or install this piece of software anywhere - except your local django dev server.
We value privacy as a whole, all ressources the frontend requires will be shipped with lostplace's distribution. We also try to minimze the use of JavaScript as far as we can and try to offer JS-less alternatives where we can.
Right now it depends on the following non-core Python 3 libraries. These can be installed using the package manager of your distribution or into the venv locally.
* [django-widget-tweaks](https://github.com/jazzband/django-widget-tweaks) Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions.
After having obtained the repository contents (either via .zip download or git clone), you can easily setup a [pipenv](https://docs.pipenv.org/) virtual environment. The repo provides a Pipfile for easy dependency management that does not mess with your system.
Essentially, this is the same as installing a development instance, but without the development server (manage.py runserver) and something powerfull (Apache, NGINX) instead. You have to configure the webserve to work with the *SGI Api respectivly, reference [django's guide for deployment](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/howto/deployment/) for further information.
You also should setup a dedicated database server, the built-in SQLite file is not recommened for production use. Reference [django's guide for databases](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/databases/) for further information.
1. Change the secret key, the one found in the config is already public. Choose something secure (i.e. [this](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=password+generator+64)).
2. Turn off debug mode by setting `DEBUG = False`.
3. Tune the localization settings, see [django's documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/i18n/).
After that, download the desired release (probably the latest one) [from the realeases page](https://git.mowoe.com/reverend/lostplaces-backend/releases) and install it using `pip install --user name-of-the-file.tar.gz`
path('', include('django_lostplaces.urls')), # In this configuration django_lostplaces will be at the top level of you website, change '' to 'django_lostplaces/', if you don't want this.
1. Change the secret key, the one found in the config is already public. Choose something secure (i.e. [this](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=password+generator+64)).
2. Turn off debug mode by setting `DEBUG = False`.
3. Tune the localization settings, see [django's documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/i18n/).