Added Output class that formats matched data and returns string for printing.

Added beautified output.
This commit is contained in:
Marcus Scholz 2020-03-21 17:17:42 +01:00
parent d935cc1ea0
commit c2ed0e1c2a
2 changed files with 70 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ class Photo:
# Copy photo to dest_dir and return its (new) filename
# if not in dry_run mode or if dest_dir is different from src_dir.
if dry_run is True:
return photo
return photo_basename, photo
if dest_dir != '.':
shutil.copy(photo, dest_photo)
return dest_photo
return photo_basename, dest_photo
def _get_creation_date(self, photo, local_timezone):
# Load Exif data from photo
@ -114,9 +114,14 @@ class Match:
radiation = round(self.radiation[1], 2)
radiation = None
if self.position[1][3]:
altitude = round(self.position[1][3])
altitude = None
return 'Radiation: %s µS/h (Δt %s) \nPosition: Lat: %s, Long: %s, Alt: %sm (Δt %s)' % \
(str(radiation), str(self.radiation[0]), str(self.position[1][1]), \
str(self.position[1][2]), str(self.position[1][3]), str(self.position[0]))
str(self.position[1][2]), altitude, str(self.position[0]))
def _find_radiation_match(self, photo_time, list):
valuelist = []
@ -153,6 +158,7 @@ class Match:
if valuelist:
#print(min(valuelist, key=lambda x: x[0]))
return min(valuelist, key=lambda x: x[0])
# Return Nones in the same cascaded manner as if it matched.
return [None, [None, None, None, None]]
class Exif:
@ -161,7 +167,7 @@ class Exif:
photo: file name of photo to modify
radiation: radiation levels in µS/h
radiation: radiation levels float
latitude: latitude as float
longitude: longitude as float
elevation: elevation as float
@ -238,3 +244,46 @@ class Exif:
return latitude_degree, longitude_degree, new_comment
class Output:
Receives values to be printed, formats them and returns a string for printing.
radiation: radiation as float
latitude: latitude as float
longitude: longitude as float
elevation: elevation as float
A String that can be printed in output
def __init__(self, radiation, latitude, longitude, altitude):
self.get_string = self._get_string(radiation, latitude, longitude, altitude)
def __repr__(self):
return self.get_string
def _get_string(self, radiation, latitude, longitude, altitude):
# Convert values to styled strings
if radiation:
rad = '☢: %sµS/h ' % str(round(radiation, 2))
rad = '☢: N/A '
if latitude and longitude:
latlon = 'Lat.: %s Long.: %s ' % (str(latitude), str(longitude))
latlon = 'Lat.: N/A, Long.: N/A '
if altitude:
alt = 'Alt.: %sm' % str(round(altitude, 1))
alt = 'Alt.: N/A'
data = rad + latlon + alt
# Return data string
return data

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import csv
import argparse
import pytz
import gpxpy
from functions import Radiation, Photo, Match, Exif
from functions import Radiation, Photo, Match, Exif, Output
# SIFACTOR for GQ Geiger counters
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ with open(args.csv, "r") as f:
# Import GPX track(s)print
if args.gpx is not None:
if args.gpx:
gpx_file = open(args.gpx, 'r')
gpx_reader = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
#for waypoint in gpx_reader.waypoints:
@ -72,13 +72,12 @@ if args.gpx is not None:
for segment in track.segments:
for point in segment.points:
point_aware_time = point.time.astimezone(local_timezone)
#point_aware_time = point_naive_time.astimezone(local_timezone)
position = (point_aware_time, point.latitude, point.longitude,
# Inform the user about what is going to happen
if args.dry is True:
if args.dry:
print('Not modifying anything. Just print what would happen without --dry')
if args.outdir == ".":
@ -86,15 +85,23 @@ else:
print('Modifying photos in', str(args.outdir), '(copy)')
# Print table header
print('{:<15} {:<25} {:<22}'.format('filename', 'date / time', 'Matched Data'))
for src_photo in
# Instantiate photo, copy it to destdir if needed and receive filename to work on
photo = Photo(src_photo, local_timezone, args.outdir, args.dry)
print(photo.get_target_photo, photo.get_date)
# Here the matching magic has to happen
# Here the matching magic takes place
match = Match(photo.get_date, radiation_list, position_list)
# Formatted output:
#print(Output(photo.get_target_photo[0], photo.get_date, match.radiation[1],
# match.position[1][1], match.position[1][2], match.position[1][3]))
data = Output(match.radiation[1], match.position[1][1], match.position[1][2], match.position[1][3])
print('{:<15} {:<25} {:<22}'.format(photo.get_target_photo[0], str(photo.get_date), str(data)))
# Write exif data
exif_tags = Exif(photo.get_target_photo, args.dry, match.radiation[1],
match.position[1][1], match.position[1][2], match.position[1][3])
Exif(photo.get_target_photo[1], args.dry, match.radiation[1],
match.position[1][1], match.position[1][2], match.position[1][3])