Revert "Enriched class comments with arguments and return values."

This reverts commit 8ea6524238cc771a9b0165361075695818adadf1.

I'm stupid, and deleted the wrong file. Fixed it.
This commit is contained in:
Marcus Scholz 2020-03-14 17:32:29 +01:00
parent da09323380
commit ce65eb4cee
3 changed files with 117 additions and 180 deletions

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is now obsolete and is going to disappear.
"""Iterates over a bunch of .jpg or .cr2 files and matches
DateTimeOriginal from Exif tag to DateTime in a csv log
of a GeigerMuellerCounter and writes its value to the UserComment
Exif tag in µS/h"""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
import shutil
import csv
import argparse
import pytz
import pyexiv2
import gpxpy
# SIFACTOR for GQ Geiger counters
# 300 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 320 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 500 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 500+ series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM for the first tube
# 600 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 600+ series: 0.002637 µSv/h / CPM
# Configure argument parser for cli options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
description='''A unix-tyle tool that
extracts GPS and/or radiation data from GPX/CSV files and writes
them into the Exif tags of given photos.''')
parser.add_argument('-si', '--sifactor', type=float, default=0.0065,
help='Factor to multiply recorded CPM with.')
parser.add_argument('-tz', '--timezone', type=str, metavar='Timezone', default='utc',
help='''Manually set timezone of CSV / and Photo timestamp,
defaults to UTC if omitted. This is useful, if the GPS-Logger
saves the time incl. timezone''')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry', action='store_true',
help='Dry-run, do not actually write anything.')
parser.add_argument('csv', metavar='CSV', type=str,
help='Geiger counter history file in CSV format.')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpx', metavar='GPX', type=str,
help='GPS track in GPX format')
parser.add_argument('photos', metavar='Photo', type=str, nargs='+',
help='One or multiple photo image files to process.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', type=str, default='.',
help='Directory to output processed photos.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Create timezone datetime object
localtz = pytz.timezone(args.timezone)
# Inform the user about what is going to happen
if args.dry is not None:
if args.outdir == ".":
print('Modifying photos in place (overwrite)')
print('Modifying photos in', str(args.outdir), '(copy)')
print('Not modifying anything. Just print what would happen without --dry')
# Print table header
print('{:<15} {:<25} {:<22}'.format('filename', 'date / time', 'Exif UserComment'))
for srcphoto in
# Get image file name out of path
photo_basename = os.path.basename(srcphoto)
# Decide whether to modify photo in place or to copy it to outdir first
# Then set the destination file as 'photo' to work on
if args.outdir == ".":
photo = srcphoto
# be os aware and use the correct directory delimiter for destfile
dstphoto = os.path.join(args.outdir, photo_basename)
# Don't copy image if in dry-run mode
if args.dry == 'True':
shutil.copy(srcphoto, dstphoto)
photo = dstphoto
photo = srcphoto
# Load Exif data from image
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(photo)
tag = metadata['Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal']
# tag.value creates datetime object in pictime
picnaivetime = tag.value
# Set timezone
pictime = picnaivetime.astimezone(localtz)
# Import GeigerCounter log
with open(args.csv, "r") as f:
csvreader = csv.reader(filter(lambda row: row[0] != '#', f),
delimiter=',', skipinitialspace=True)
for _, csvrawtime, csvrawcpm, _ in csvreader:
csvnaivetime = datetime.fromisoformat(csvrawtime)
# Set timezone
csvtime = csvnaivetime.astimezone(localtz)
# Process image if its timestamp is found in CSV log (compares 2 datetime objects)
if csvtime == pictime:
rad = round(float(csvrawcpm) * args.sifactor, 2)
# Set key, value for new UserComment
key = 'Exif.Photo.UserComment'
new_comment = 'Radiation ☢ ' + str(rad) + ' µS/h'
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, new_comment)
# print found radiation levels
print('{:<15} {:<25} {:<22}'.format(photo_basename, str(pictime), new_comment))
# Write Exif tags to file, if not in dry-run mode
if args.dry == 'True':
print('{:<15} {:<25} {:<22}'.format(photo_basename, str(pictime), 'NOT FOUND!'))
# close CSV file
# Import GPX track(s)
if args.gpx is not None:
gpx_file = open(args.gpx, 'r')
gpxreader = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
for waypoint in gpxreader.waypoints:
for track in gpxreader.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
for point in segment.points:
# datetimes match with 1 minute precision
delta = timedelta(seconds=10)
if abs(point.time - pictime) < delta:
valuelist = []
row = [point.time, point.latitude, point.longitude]
#print(pictime, 'vs.', point.time, 'Delta:', pictime - point.time)
# print('Point at ({0},{1}) -> {2}'.format(point.latitude, point.longitude, point.time))

View File

@ -10,20 +10,7 @@ from fractions import Fraction
import pyexiv2
class Radiation:
Reiceives Values vom CSV file and creates a list of the relevant data
timestamp: Date/time string from CSV as string
radiation: Radiation from CSV in CP/M as float
local_timezone: timezone for timezone-unware CSV / Photo, if GPX is timezone aware
si_factor: CP/M to (µS/h) conversion factor - specific to GMC-tube
timestamp: timestamp of CSV value als datetime object
radiation: radiation in µS/h as str (for Exif comment, UTF-8)
''' Handles CSV processing. '''
def __init__(self, timestamp, radiation, local_timezone, si_factor):
self.timestamp = self._time_conversion(timestamp, local_timezone)
self.radiation = self._radiation_conversion(radiation, si_factor)
@ -43,20 +30,7 @@ class Radiation:
return radiation
class Photo:
Reads Exif metadata.
photo: source photo ()
local_timezone: timezone for timezone-unware CSV / Photo, if GPX is timezone aware
dest_dir: destination directory where the photo is going to be copied to.
dry_run: whether to acutally write (True / False)
self.get_date: timestamp of photo als datetime object
self.get_target_photo: full path to photo file to work on
''' Reads and writes Exif metadata. '''
def __init__(self, photo, local_timezone, dest_dir, dry_run):
self.get_date = self._get_creation_date(photo, local_timezone)
self.get_target_photo = self._copy_photo(photo, dest_dir, dry_run)
@ -83,6 +57,7 @@ class Photo:
# Load Exif data from photo
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(photo)
date = metadata['Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal']
# date.value creates datetime object in pic_naive_time
pic_naive_time = date.value
@ -91,8 +66,7 @@ class Photo:
return pic_aware_time
class Exif:
Converts, compiles and writes Exif-Tags from given arguemnts.
''' Converts, compiles and writes Exif-Tags from given values.
photo: file name of photo to modify
@ -101,18 +75,14 @@ class Exif:
longitude: longitude as float
elevation: elevation as float
dry_run: whether to acutally write (True / False)
Latitude / Longitude in degrees
Exif-Comment that has been written (incl. radiation)
def __init__(self, photo, radiation, latitude, longitude, elevation, dry_run):
self.write_exif = self._write_exif(photo, radiation, latitude,
longitude, elevation, dry_run)
# self.get_degree = self._to_degree(value, loc)
self.write_exif = self._write_exif(photo, radiation, latitude, longitude, elevation, dry_run)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Position: %s, %s: %s ' % self.write_exif
# def __repr__(self):
# return 'Photo: %s Creation Date: %s' % (str(self.get_target_photo), str(self.get_date))
def _to_degree(self, value, loc):
if value < 0:
@ -136,6 +106,9 @@ class Exif:
latitude_degree = self._to_degree(latitude, ["S", "N"])
longitude_degree = self._to_degree(longitude, ["W", "E"])
# convert decimal coordinates into fractions required for pyexiv2
exiv2_latitude = (Fraction(latitude_degree[0] * 60 + latitude_degree[1], 60),
Fraction(int(round(latitude_degree[2] * 100, 0)), 6000),
@ -159,8 +132,10 @@ class Exif:
metadata['Exif.GPSInfo.GPSVersionID'] = '2 0 0 0'
metadata['Exif.Photo.UserComment'] = new_comment
# Write Exif tags to file, if not in dry-run mode
if dry_run is not True:
return latitude_degree, longitude_degree, new_comment
return new_comment

103 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
''' Iterates over a bunch of .jpg or .cr2 files and matches
DateTimeOriginal from Exif tag to DateTime in a csv log
of a GeigerMuellerCounter and writes its value to the UserComment
Exif tag in µS/h '''
import csv
import argparse
import pytz
import gpxpy
from functions import Radiation, Photo, Exif
# SIFACTOR for GQ Geiger counters
# 300 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 320 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 500 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 500+ series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM for the first tube
# 600 series: 0.0065 µSv/h / CPM
# 600+ series: 0.002637 µSv/h / CPM
# Configure argument parser for cli options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
description='''A unix-tyle tool that
extracts GPS and/or radiation data from GPX/CSV files and writes
them into the Exif tags of given photos.''')
parser.add_argument('-si', '--sifactor', type=float, default=0.0065,
help='Factor to multiply recorded CPM with.')
parser.add_argument('-tz', '--timezone', type=str, metavar='Timezone', default='utc',
help='''Manually set timezone of CSV / and Photo timestamp,
defaults to UTC if omitted. This is useful, if the GPS-Logger
saves the time incl. timezone''')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry', action='store_true',
help='Dry-run, do not actually write anything.')
parser.add_argument('csv', metavar='CSV', type=str,
help='Geiger counter history file in CSV format.')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpx', metavar='GPX', type=str,
help='GPS track in GPX format')
parser.add_argument('photos', metavar='Photo', type=str, nargs='+',
help='One or multiple photo image files to process.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', type=str, default='.',
help='Directory to output processed photos.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Create timezone datetime object
local_timezone = pytz.timezone(args.timezone)
# Initialize two empty lists for comparison
radiation_list = []
position_list = []
# Import GeigerCounter log
with open(args.csv, "r") as f:
csv = csv.reader(filter(lambda row: row[0] != '#', f),
delimiter=',', skipinitialspace=True)
for _, csv_raw_time, csv_raw_cpm, _ in csv:
radiation = Radiation(csv_raw_time, csv_raw_cpm, local_timezone, args.sifactor)
# close CSV file
# Import GPX track(s)
if args.gpx is not None:
gpx_file = open(args.gpx, 'r')
gpx_reader = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
for waypoint in gpx_reader.waypoints:
for track in gpx_reader.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
for point in segment.points:
position = [point.time, point.latitude, point.longitude, point.elevation]
# Inform the user about what is going to happen
if args.dry is True:
print('Not modifying anything. Just print what would happen without --dry')
if args.outdir == ".":
print('Modifying photos in place (overwrite)')
print('Modifying photos in', str(args.outdir), '(copy)')
for src_photo in
photo = Photo(src_photo, local_timezone, args.outdir, args.dry)
print(photo.get_target_photo, photo.get_date)
# Here the matching magic has to happen
latitude = 51.0234024
longitude = 7.248347
radiation = 9001.15
elevation = 56.079345703125
# Write exif data
exif_tags = Exif(photo.get_target_photo, radiation, latitude, longitude, elevation, args.dry)
# Print table header
print('{:<15} {:<25} {:<22}'.format('filename', 'date / time', 'Exif UserComment'))