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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
''' Classes used by main program. '''
from datetime import datetime
import pyexiv2
class Radiation:
''' Handles CSV processing.'''
def __init__(self, timestamp, radiation, local_timezone, si_factor):
self.timestamp = self._time_conversion(timestamp, local_timezone)
self.radiation = self._radiation_conversion(radiation, si_factor)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s %f µS/h' % (str(self.timestamp), self.radiation)
def _time_conversion(self, timestamp, local_timezone):
csv_naive_time = datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp)
# Set timezone
csv_aware_time = csv_naive_time.astimezone(local_timezone)
return csv_aware_time
def _radiation_conversion(self, radiation, si_factor):
# Convert CP/M to µS/h using si_factor
radiation = round(float(radiation) * si_factor, 2)
return radiation
class Photo:
''' Reads and writes Exif metadata'''
def __init__(self, photo, local_timezone):
self.get_date = self._get_creation_date(photo, local_timezone)
self.photo = photo
def __repr__(self):
return 'Photo Creation Date: %s' % str(self.get_date)
def _get_creation_date(self, photo, local_timezone):
# Load Exif data from photo
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(photo)
date = metadata['Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal']
# date.value creates datetime object in pic_naive_time
pic_naive_time = date.value
# Set timezone
pic_aware_time = pic_naive_time.astimezone(local_timezone)
return pic_aware_time
def write_exif(self, radiation, latitude, longitude, dry_run):
''' UNTESTED ! '''
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(self.photo)
# Set new UserComment
new_comment = 'Radiation ☢ ' + str(radiation) + ' µS/h'
# Exif tags to write
keys = ['Exif.Photo.UserComment', 'Exif.Photo.latitude', 'Exif.Photo.longitude']
# Values to write
values = [new_comment, latitude, longitude]
# Create metadata object with all data to write
for key, value in zip(keys, values):
# Only create object if there is anything to fill with
if value is not None:
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
# Write Exif tags to file, if not in dry-run mode
if dry_run == 'True':
return new_comment